[Use Case - Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance] API dev. and integration to prepare ‘insurance product comparison and recommendation service’

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance completed the 'Open API platform environment setting' using SyncTree
January 4, 2024
[Use Case - Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance] API dev. and integration to prepare ‘insurance product comparison and recommendation service’

In January 2024, the 'Insurance Comparison and Recommendation Platform' will be launched in Korea, allowing you to compare and sign up for insurance products on online platforms such as Naver, Kakao, and Toss.
Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance completed the 'Open API platform environment setting' using SyncTree, which can minimize time and cost compared to general API development method.

Pain Point

It is necessary to prepare IT services according to the Financial Services Commission's 'Platform Insurance Product Handling Pilot Operation Plan'

Solution by SyncTree


Complete Open-API platform environment setting by minimizing time and cost compared to general API development methods

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