07 Google Translate Block - Easier way to Use Google Translation on my service?

You can use Google Cloud Translation on SyncTree.

Backend Nocode Solution SyncTree

Easier way to Use Google Translation on my service?

Simply with Blocks!

Google Translation Block

Package Introduction

You can use Google Cloud Translation on SyncTree.

Key Features

Text translation: You can translate input in any language into a desired language.


All blocks with the name starting with "Google Cloud Translation" must use the ACCESS_TOKEN obtained using the Google OAuth 2.0 block.

Legal Notice

When providing the translated results to the end user, you must display the "Powered by Google Translate" banner. To download the banner or learn more, visit https://cloud.google.com/translate/attribution.

Learn How To

• Free Signup: https://synctreestudio.com/#/account/signin

• How to use Block Store: https://synctree-guide.oopy.io/51b01914-a044-4a56-bf3d-801494ed6cff

• Video to follow: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyPElxxNyaxt749RtrG3QstCNE9dDmUZ&si=u80sIAzjcUGd2Wh-

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