


09 Google Gemini AI Block - Google AI? Easy to Use!

The Gemini API gives you access to the latest generative models from Google.

08 Google OAuth 2.0 - Want Higher Security with Google OAuth 2.0?

This is an OAuth 2.0 package for Google web server applications.

06 Microsoft Power BI - Data Visualization the Quicker Way?

Power BI turns your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.

04 KB Kookmin Bank Block - Using a Bank's APIs for sure?!

A block that enables to use KB Kookmin Bank banking service.

01 OpenAI Block - Use ChatGPT4와 Dalle3 in My Service

Easier way to put ChatGPT 4, Dalle 3 in your service!
March 12, 2024

[Use Case - National Agricultural Cooperative Federation] Building Backend Infra for public data portal platform

Establishment of the 'Backend environment' service required to build a public data portal linkage platform of NACF
January 3, 2024

[Use Case - Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance] API dev. and integration to prepare ‘insurance product comparison and recommendation service’

Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance completed the 'Open API platform environment setting' using SyncTree
January 4, 2024

Ntuple Cooperates in Technology Dev. to Build KB Kookmin Bank’s BaaS Business Platform

KB Kookmin Bank was able to resolve concerns about development platforms, such as securing business agility
January 18, 2023