04 KB Kookmin Bank Block - Using a Bank's APIs for sure?!

A block that enables to use KB Kookmin Bank banking service.

Backend Nocode Solution, SyncTree

Building a Fintech service with a Bank's APIs?

Simply with Blocks!

KB Kookmin Bank Block

Package Introduction

A block that enables to use KB Kookmin Bank banking service.

Key Features

- Get Account All

- Get Account Balance

- Get Account Creation Date

- Get Account Expiration Date

- Get Account Holder

- Get Account Transaction History

- Get Area Detail

- Get Area List

- Get Detail Branch Info

- Get Exchange Rate

- Get Gold Price

- Get Info Current

- Get Law Area List

- Get Loan Account

- Get Loan Balance

- Get Loan Expiration Date

- Get Market Price Detail

- Get Market Price List

- Get Offer Detail

- Get Offer List

- Get Parcel Out List

- Get Park List

- Get Sale Detail

- Get Sale List

- Get School List

- Get Subway List

Learn How To

• Free Signup: https://synctreestudio.com/#/account/signin

• How to use Block Store: https://synctree-guide.oopy.io/51b01914-a044-4a56-bf3d-801494ed6cff

• Video to follow: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlyPElxxNyaxt749RtrG3QstCNE9dDmUZ&si=u80sIAzjcUGd2Wh-

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